windowsAs part of our ongoing efforts towards safer systems programming, we’re pleased to announce that Windows Control Flow Guard (CFG) support is now available in the Clang C/C++ compiler and Rust.
Tag: windows

windowsLately, I’ve been working on a Rust clone of fnm. I like Rust and it is a great way to learn the language. Thanks to the Rust cross-platform tooling, I got a simple proof-of-concept for Windows support quickly.
The first thing I got to do was a install_node_dist method, which takes a borrowed Version struct and a path to install into. I wrote a simple test to install Node 12.0.0 and it seemed to work on Linux, MacOS and even Windows! I was excited, but since I don’t really use Windows and fnm works perfectly well for me, I dropped it (no pun intended.)
gui windowsNative-Windows-Gui (aka NWG) is a windows GUI library that runs on top of Win32. Its main goal is to provide a rust-first API that is dead simple to use, keeps compile time low, does not bloat the final binary size, and provides a large number of features. As the first stable release, all those goals are met.
NWG also comes with a sister project, Native-Windows-Derive (also released as 1.0) that uses a procedural macro to build a GUI from a struct, removing almost all the boilerplate.
NWG is best suited for small to medium size projects that don't require fancy stuff (like animations or custom drawing).
windowsThis post describes how Ebbflow vends its client to Windows users which is written in Rust, describing the tools used to build and ultimately deliver the program to users.
windowsI read the official Rust book already in the end of 2019 but never had a project idea. That’s why I decided to rewrite one of my already existing C++ projects. A few months after I started I already gained lots of experience and began to wonder whether it’s possible to rewrite my Windows Kernel Drivers in Rust. A quick search lead me to many unanswered questions and two Github repositories. One of these repositories is winapi-kmd-rs which is unfortunately really complicated and outdated. I almost gave up until I stumbled upon win_driver_example which made me realize that a lot has changed and that it’s not even that hard. This post summarize what went wrong and what I learned.
windows armWe are forming two new groups in the compiler team:
* A Windows group, for helping us to diagnose and resolve Windows-related issues.
* An ARM group, for helping us to resolve issues specific to the ARM architectures
Each of these groups are "notification groups", which means that anyone can add their own name to the list -- if you do, you'll receive pings when Windows- or ARM-related bugs arise.
windowsDid you know that Rust has a Tier 2 target called i586-pc-windows-msvc? I didn't either, until a few days ago. This target disables SSE2 support and only emits instructions available on the original Intel Pentium from 1993.
So, for fun, I wanted to try compiling a binary that works on similarly old systems. My retro Windows of choice is Windows 98 Second Edition, so that is what I have settled for as the initial target for this project.
windowsRust/WinRT follows in the tradition established by C++/WinRT of building language projections for the Windows Runtime using standard languages and compilers, providing a natural and idiomatic way for Rust developers to call Windows APIs. Rust/WinRT lets you call any WinRT API past, present, and future using code generated on the fly directly from the metadata describing the API and right into your Rust package where you can call them as if they were just another Rust module.
windowsMy Rust adventure continues as I have been furiously working on Rust/WinRT for the last five months or so. I am looking forward to opening it up to the community as soon as possible. Even then, it will be early days and much still do. I remember chatting with Martyn Lovell about this a few years ago and we basically agreed that it takes about three years to build a language projection. Naturally, you can get value out of it before then but that’s what you need to keep in mind when you consider completeness.
Still, I’m starting to be able to make API calls with Rust/WinRT and its very satisfying to see this come together. So, I’ll leave you with a sneak peek to give you sense of what calling Windows APIs looks like in Rust.
windowsLet’s set aside our sup project for a while.
Don’t get me wrong - it’s a perfectly fine project, and, were we simply rewriting “ping” for Windows in Rust, we could (almost) stop there.
We’re currently using the operating system’s facility to speak ICMP, which is great for a bunch of reasons: we can be sure that whatever flaws there are in the implentation, all “native” Windows programs suffer from it as well.
As a bonus, the binary size is reasonable, (looks like 175KiB for me at time of this writing - built with cargo build --release, of course).
But we didn’t come here to make sensible decisions for production-grade software. We came here to bind Win32 APIs and dig our way down the network stack, and we’re all out of APIs to bind.
windowsIt’s refactor time!
Our complete program is now about a hundred lines, counting blank lines (see the end of part 3 for a complete listing).
While this is pretty good for a zero-dependency project (save for pretty-hex), we can do better.
First off, concerns are mixed up. Second, a lot of low-level details are exposed, that really shouldn’t be. I don’t think main() really ought to be using transmute at all. We should build safe abstractions above all of this.
windowsI interned with Microsoft as a Software Engineering Intern in the MSRC UK team in Cheltenham this past summer. I worked in the Safe Systems Programming Language (SSPL) group, which explores safe programming languages as a proactive measure against memory-safety related vulnerabilities.
This blog post describes the project that I have been working on under the mentorship of the SSPL team. Hopefully, this provides additional insight into the work Microsoft interns do! My goal was to build an open-sourced Rust library that will allow developers to both consume and produce in-process Component Object Model (COM) components in an idiomatic manner.