android simd armThis blog post is the last one of a series exploring SIMD support with Rust on Android. In the previous two posts, I introduced how to compile Rust libraries for Android and detect SIMD instructions supported by the CPU at runtime.
Today, we’ll see how to effectively use the SIMD instructions themselves, and get the most performance out of them. After an introduction on running Rust benchmarks (and unit tests) on Android devices, we’ll measure the performance in various scenarios offered by Rust, and see that the overhead of CPU feature detection can be non-trivial. I’ll then describe various ways to reduce this overhead.
Lastly, I’ll present updated benchmarks on ARM of Horcrux, my Rust implementation of Shamir’s Secret Sharing, and see how they compare to Intel.
Tag: arm

armGetting timer interrupt is a common task in todo list of OS developer. Although it is very simple task on some architectures, to have it on AArch64 you need to configure so called Interrupt Controller. From this post you will know how to initialize Generic Interrupt Controller (GIC), control priorities and target an interrupt to specific core.
windows armWe are forming two new groups in the compiler team:
* A Windows group, for helping us to diagnose and resolve Windows-related issues.
* An ARM group, for helping us to resolve issues specific to the ARM architectures
Each of these groups are "notification groups", which means that anyone can add their own name to the list -- if you do, you'll receive pings when Windows- or ARM-related bugs arise.
armI recently tried my hand at running Rust on an ATSAMD51 ARM microcontroller. Rust is well setup for embedded work, and this experiment proved this to be true. I designed a prototype PCB, with the goal of figuring out a Rust based toolchain and workflow.