async tokioI am pleased to announce the release of async-raft v0.5.0. This release has been a great deal of effort, lots of early mornings and late nights. I am VERY pleased with the quality of the code and how things have come together. The Raft API couldn't be more simple, async/await has absolutely simplified and clarified so many of the interfaces throughout this project, and the many excellent tools available through Tokio have greatly helped with code quality overall.
Tag: tokio

async tokioIn the last blog of this series, I implemented job queue with tmq. I noted back then that tmq is great if you need to interact with other languages, but may be a little overkill if you are just using rust. I wondered what it'd take to build the job queue with a smaller library footprint, using something like tokio-serde instead of tmq. It was successful, and this blog will step through some of the changes needed.
async tokio async-stdIn this post we will explore a brief example of asynchronous programming in Rust with the Tokio runtime, demonstrating different execution scenarios. This post is aimed at beginners to asynchronous programming.
The source code for this example is available on Github. A branch using the async-std runtime is also available (contributed by @BartMassey).
async tokioWhat we'll be making: We'll be listening to a port. This port is streaming out some XML events. Only caveat is is that it is first padded (sometimes) with a 32bit number to tell you how much bytes are on its way.
Now, we'll be parsing this stream of events and make it fit into our model. After converting these events into JSON we'll push it onto an Apache Kafka stream. As an added bonus these Kafka messages will be mimicking the messages generated by Spring Cloud Stream.
We'll be using futures and async code for most of the time.
heroku tokio asyncIn an effort to understand the new Rust async/await syntax, I made a super-simple app that simply responds to all HTTP requests with Hello! and deployed on heroku.
If you want to skip right to the punchline, the source code and README instructions can be found on
async tokioI would like to understand how Tokio works. My interests run to the real-time and concurrent side of things but I don't know much about Tokio itself. Before the introduction of async and stable futures I more or less intentionally avoided learning it, not out of any sense that Tokio was wrong but there's only a finite amount of time to learn stuff and it's a rough business to learn a thing that is going to go out of date soonish.
Anyhow. These are my notes for learning Tokio. I don't have a plan of how to learn it's internals, but, generally, I learn best when I have some kind of project to frame my reading around. Context really helps. I don't have a sense of what I want to build long-term, but an HTTP load generator that can scale itself to find the maximum requests per second a server can handle while still satisfying some latency constraint would be pretty neat. This does mean I need to combine my learning with another library – hyper -- but I've used it before and think I can get away with leaving it as a black-box.
async tokioThe release of Tokio 0.2 was the culmination of a great deal of hard work from numerous contributors, and has brought several significant improvements to Tokio. Using std::future and async/await makes writing async code using Tokio much more ergonomic, and a new scheduler implementation makes Tokio 0.2’s thread pool as much as 10x faster. However, updating existing Tokio 0.1 projects to use 0.2 and std::future poses some new challenges. Therefore, we’re very excited to announce the release of the tokio-compat crate to help ease this transition, by providing a runtime compatible with both Tokio 0.1 and Tokio 0.2 futures.
async tokio tutorialIn the previous lesson in the crash course, we covered the new async/.await syntax stabilized in Rust 1.39, and the Future trait which lives underneath it. This information greatly supercedes the now-defunct lesson 7 from last year, which covered the older Future approach.
Now it’s time to update the second half of lesson 7, and teach the hot-off-the-presses Tokio 0.2 release.
async tokioWe’ve been hard at work on the next major revision of Tokio, Rust’s asynchronous runtime. Today, a complete rewrite of the scheduler has been submitted as a pull request. The result is huge performance and latency improvements. Some benchmarks saw a 10x speed up! It is always unclear how much these kinds of improvements impact “full stack” use cases, so we’ve also tested how these scheduler improvements impacted use cases like Hyper and Tonic (spoiler: it’s really good).
async tokioWe’re pleased to announce the release of the first Tokio alpha with async & await support. This includes updating all of the Tokio crates to use std::future instead of futures 0.1. It also includes adding async fn versions of the APIs.
async tokioIt took a bit longer than I had initially hoped (as it always does), but a new Tokio version has been released. This release includes, among other features, a new set of APIs that allow performing filesystem operations from an asynchronous context.
async tokioTo close out a great week, there is a new release of Tokio. This release includes a brand new timer implementation.
async tokioI’m happy to announce a new release of Tokio. This release includes the first iteration of the Tokio Runtime.
async tokioI'm happy to announce that today, the changes proposed in the reform RFC have been released to as tokio 0.1. The primary changes are: Add a default global event loop, eliminating the need for setting up and managing your own event loop in the vast majority of cases, and decouple all task execution functionality from Tokio.