rubyDo you think dynamically typed interpreted Ruby language and statically typed compiled Rust language could be friends? Yes, they can! And actually, they are!
Officially it all started when YJIT was ported to Rust and Ruby codebase has officially onboarded Rust code. This friendship matured when RubyGems 3.3.11 (with a new Add cargo builder for rust extensions feature) was released capable of compiling Rust-based extensions during gem installation process (similar to well-known C-based gem extensions like nokogiri, pg or puma).
And now, with Bundler 2.4, bundle gem skeleton generator can provide all the glue you need to start using Rust inside your gems thanks to the new --ext=rust parameter!
Tag: ruby
rubyA couple of weeks ago I spent some time pair-programming with Penelope Phippen, on her Ruby auto-formatter rubyfmt. This codebase is largely written in Rust and does a lot of work transforming abstract syntax trees to determine how your Ruby code should be formatted. As such, it deals with recursion and stack structures, and this presented an interesting opportunity to get the type system to enforce some business rules for us.
rubyArtichoke is a platform for building MRI-compatible Ruby implementations. Artichoke provides a Ruby runtime implemented in Rust that can be loaded into many VM backends.