javascriptLearning a new programming language is a great opportunity to learn new universal concepts and patterns that apply to all languages, not just the one you're learning. However, before you can get a handle on all the new stuff a language provides, first you have to figure out how to write the new language like you would write whatever old language(s) you know.
For the JavaScript developer, Rust offers a plethora of new and sometimes brain-bending concepts that exist in Rust but not in JavaScript. But in order to appreciate those concepts, first you have to get a handle on the basic syntax of the language. To speed up that process, you can use the JavaScript you already know to draw parallels to the Rust equivalents.
This cheatsheet provides some basic comparisons between JavaScript syntax and their parallels in Rust. It purposefully sticks to the basics that have decent parallels, to get you comfortable writing some simple programs in Rust.
Tag: javascript

javascriptDynamic languages are useful tools. Scripting allows users to rapidly and succinctly tie together complex systems and express ideas without worrying about details like memory management or build systems. In recent years programming languages like Rust and Go have made it much easier to produce sophisticated native machine code; these projects are incredibly important developments in computer infrastructure. However, we claim it is still important to have a powerful scripting environment that can address a wide range of problem domains.
JavaScript is the most widely used dynamic language, operating on every device with a web browser.Our original undertaking in this area, Node.js, proved to be a very successful software platform. People have found it useful for building web development tooling, building standalone web servers, and for a myriad of other use-cases. Node, however, was designed in 2009 when JavaScript was a much different language. Out of necessity, Node had to invent concepts which were later taken up by the standards organizations and added to the language differently. In the presentation Design Mistakes in Node, this is discussed in more detail.
With the changing JavaScript language, and new additions like TypeScript, building Node projects can become an arduous endeavor, involving managing build systems and other heavy handed tooling that takes away from the fun of dynamic language scripting. Furthermore the mechanism for linking to external libraries is fundamentally centralized through the NPM repository, which is not inline with the ideals of the web.
We feel that the landscape of JavaScript and the surrounding software infrastructure has changed enough that it was worthwhile to simplify. We seek a fun and productive scripting environment that can be used for a wide range of tasks.
javascriptswc is fast. Very fast. It's 18x faster than babel on a single-core benchmark, and on a parallel benchmark, it's 68x faster than babel on a 4 core (8 HT) machine. Why? Just because it's written in rust? No. Its fundamental design differs from any other tool.
javascriptProject Visage is a project to write a new frontend (parser and bytecode emitter) for JavaScript in Rust that’s more maintainable, modular, efficient, and secure than the current frontend. The team (Jason Orendorff, Nicolas Pierron, Tooru Fujisawa, Yulia Startsev) is currently experimenting with a parser generator that generates a custom LR parser.
javascriptIn this article we will build a simple command line program that returns the word count of a file. This will essentially be a simpler version of the Unix utility wc, written in Rust. The goal of this article is to give an introduction to some core Rust concepts for readers who might be more familiar with web-focused languages such as JavaScript and Typescript. Therefore, the Rust code examples will be compared to similar code and concepts in JavaScript or TypeScript. This guide also assumes no prior knowledge of Rust or related tools, but it does assume you have node installed on your machine already.
javascriptA blog about learning computer science concepts with practical projects
python javascript java cplusplusWhat happens when a data collection is copied and then the new copy is changed? Does the original remain the same, or does it change too?
If you think of copying as creating a completely new object, of course you expect that any change to the new copy does not affect the original object. But if you think of copying as creating a new name for the same, single object, then you expect that any change to the object through the new name appears also when you access the same object through the old name.
Let's see how is the behavior of Python, Javascript, Java, C++, and Rust regarding the assignment operator ("=") between collection variables.