database postgresqlPostgreSQL JSONB columns are quite handy, there many times that I use them actually. I usually employ JSONB for (meta)data that even if they get lost, we are fine, we just need to do more manual work.
The usual cases include:
* caching data
* shortening relations, so instead of going table1 -> table2 -> table3 -> table4, you can store the table4 id inside table1 jsonb meta column to shorten the path (and vice versa)
* metadata that we want to store, but don’t deserve a dedicated column.Working lately in Rust, I was trying to figure out how can I use a JSONB column with diesel. It turns out that it’s not that difficult actually!
Tag: database

databaseIn this post we’ll take a look at how to do database migrations using the refinery library in the context of a web application.
databaseMany years ago I wrote a commercial product that could import a database schema and then generate source code based on the schema. There were many different use cases for this product and it could be used to generate simple Data Access Object (DAO) code or even to generate fully working (although very crude) web applications for data entry. Believe it or not, some companies have schemas with more than 500 tables, so tools like this can dramatically reduce development costs. This type of product isn’t very sexy or modern but it generated decent revenue for a side project at the time, and there are still valid use cases today for this type of tool.
When I started prototyping a generic database tool in Rust a few weeks ago, I discovered that there isn’t a standard way to access databases in Rust and that I would have to write separate code for every single database, and I’m not just talking about MySQL and Postgres (two wouldn’t be so bad), I’m also thinking about distributed query engines such as PrestoDB, Hive, Impala, and Drill, to name just a few. Rather than writing custom integrations for my prototype, I switched gears and started prototyping a Rust version of ODBC/JDBC instead, which I unimaginatively named Rust Database Connectivity, or RDBC for short.
databaseIn this post we are starting building a logger using Rust as a programming language and Scylla DB as a data storage. This post is about data layer which is responsible for writing data to and reading it from a database.
databaseIn the last couple of months just right after the release of Persy 0.6 the development speeded up a bit, a few people started to play with persy and some downstream projects as well, first reporting few critical issue that produced the 3 hotfix 0.6.1,0.6.2,0.6.3 and then starting contributing back.