Read Rust

Tag: unsafe


I tried writing a Chunked-List data structure and made all the mistakes while using unsafe for that.

I have always avoided C and C++ because I knew I could not be trusted with Pointers. Rust allows me to keep the high risk code contained into small unsafe { } sections. I want to write down what mistakes I made inside those sections and how I caught them.


While implementing ringbahn, I introduced at least two bugs that caused memory safety errors, resulting in segfaults, allocator aborts, and bizarre undefined behavior. I’ve fixed both bugs that I could find, and now I have no evidence that there are more memory safety issues in the current codebase (though that doesn’t mean there aren’t, of course). I wanted to write about both of these bugs, because they had an interesting thing in common: they were both caused by destructors.


In this series so far, we've taken a C program and converted it into a faster, smaller, and reasonably robust Rust program. The Rust program is a recognizable descendant of the C program, and that was deliberate: my goal was to compare and contrast the two languages for optimized code.

In this bonus section, I'll walk through how we'd write the program from scratch in Rust. In particular, I'm going to rely on compiler auto-vectorization to produce a program that is shorter, simpler, portable, and significantly faster... and without any unsafe.

Can it be?


LRtDW is a series of articles putting Rust features in context for low-level C programmers who maybe don't have a formal CS background — the sort of people who work on firmware, game engines, OS kernels, and the like. Basically, people like me.


My role at $work these days is to help guide a big company's investment in Rust toward success. This essay covers a slice of my experience as it pertains to unsafe code, and especially bugs in unsafe code.


In this article, we will explore how to wrap those functions and make them safe for normal use. We’ll go over how to define a wrapper struct that handles initialization and cleanup, and describe some traits that describe how application developers can safely use your library with threads. We’ll also talk a bit about how to turn a function’s random integer return into an ergonomic, type-checked Result, how to translate strings and arrays to and from the world of C, and how to turn raw pointers returned from C into scoped objects with inherited lifetimes.

The overall goal of this step is to dig into the C library’s documentation and make each function’s internal assumptions explicit.

unsafe ffi

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