shellToday, we’re releasing 0.15 of Nu - and it has a few last-minute surprises we hope you’ll find as much fun as we do.
As many of you know, this release was delayed as part of a wide-spread effort to elevate Black voices and raise awareness of police violence, a movement which has now grown worldwide. We encourage you to take time to understand what this movement stands for, why it’s happening, and to get involved where you can.
With 0.15, we’ve closed another set of gaps in what people need in a shell. We’re looking to continue improving completions, as well as growing the parser to support Nu scripts not just line-by-line, but as whole source files. We’re also working on improving jupyter support, file encoding for better support across languages, and more.
Tag: shell

shellShells have been around forever and, for better or for worse, haven’t changed much since their inception. Until NuShell appeared to reinvent shells and defy our muscle memory. It brought some big changes, which include rethinking how pipelines work, structured input/output, and plugins.
We wanted to learn more about NuShell so we interviewed both of its creators: Jonathan Turner and Yehuda Katz.
shellFresh off the presses: 0.14.0! Now with temporary environment variables, a calendar, examples in help, lots of new commands, subcommands, speedups, and tons of bugfixes and polish.
shellWe’re excited to release version 0.13.0 of Nu! This is by far one the the biggest releases, yet. Nu 0.13.0 is available as pre-built binaries or from If you have Rust installed you can install it using cargo install nu.
shellJust released 0.12.0! Fish-like cd, type inference, jupyter notebook support, command improvements, from-ics/from-vcf/to-md/to-html, better headers, rotated rows, and more!
shellNushell, or Nu for short, is a new shell that takes a modern, structured approach to your commandline. It works seamlessly with the data from your filesystem, operating system, and a growing number of file formats to make it easy to build powerful commandline pipelines.
We’re excited to release the 0.11.0 release of Nu. This release continues to push us forward with new commands, improved engine internals, bugfixes, and more.
shellNushell 0.10.0 is out! Now with initial support for scripting, bash-like -c support, shorthand flags, new commands, tons of improvements and bugfixes.
shellWhat’s new: --help available on all commands, Better error feedback, Shelling out.
New commands: du, clear, New welcome message, Improved table streaming.
Command improvements: ls and rm now error when a path isn’t found, ls can optionally show just the filename, ls can also optionally show symlink targets, ls smaller by default, now with more info with --full, from-xml now includes attributes, sort-by works with more value types, debug now pretty-prints its output, autocompletion can now be configured.
shellWe’re happy to announce the 0.8.0 release of Nu. This continues a series of internal improvements, with better stability and correctness, and, of course, new features.
shell2019 was quite the year for Nushell. We landed the initial commit on May 10th, and 1881 commits later we find ourselves at the end of 2019. What all happened this year?
We started off with quite the bang! After quietly working on Nu for a few months, we wrote up a blog post to explain what Nu was. To our surprise, the post got a surprisingly warm reception! Soon, we were recording a podcast with the Changelog to talk about Nu.
As the excitement calmed back to everyday levels, we got to the work of turning this minimum-viable product into the real thing. More than 65 people joined us to help fix bugs, test code, write docs, and explore new directions.
shellWe’re happy to announce the 0.7.0 release of Nu. This release has a couple new features, bugfixes, and lots of internal improvements on the way to upcoming features.
shellA recent project, Nushell aims to solve some of these issues. Nushell is a cross-platform shell written in Rust which works on Windows, MacOS, and Linux. It is still in the very early stages and only a few months old as of the time of this writing, although development seems to be going at a rapid pace with a 3-week release cycle. Aside from the cross-platform aspect of Nushell, one of the more appealing features is how Nushell treats data. Instead of treating all data as raw text, Nushell takes some inspiration from PowerShell and treats data as structured tables or objects. This enables Nushell to support a rich command and plugin system to manipulate data in very useful and declarative ways.
shellWith 0.6.0, we’re excited to show off the ability to integrate with starship. Starship is a powerful prompt being built in Rust, and it includes tons of fun features.
shellRecently, we ran a short survey to see how you were feeling about Nushell. We wanted to give a very hearty “thank you!” to everyone who participated. These surveys are a great way to gather information about how people are feeling, where they’re happy, and where they feel there are pain points.
In total, 160 people responded. An impressive amount for a project still in its first few months in the public.
shellWe've just released Nushell 0.5.0! New - login shell support, recycle bin support, better string matching, parameter help, new commands, and more!