go wasmWhat if I told you there was a way that we could ship one binary from Rust, have that work on every platform Go supports, and not have to modify the build process beyond a simple go build? Imagine how much easier that would be. It's easy to imagine that such a thing would let users not even know that Rust was involved at all, even if they consume a package or program that uses it.
I've done this with a package I call mastosan and here's why it exists as well as how I made it.
Tag: go

goRecently I've been starting to use Rust more and more for larger and larger projects. As things have come up, I realized that I am missing a good reference for common things in Rust as compared to Go. This post contains a quick high-level overview of patterns in Rust and how they compare to patterns in Go. This will focus on code samples. This is no replacement for the Rust book, but should help you get spun up on the various patterns used in Rust code.
goIf you have written code in either Rust or Go, you’ll recognize some similarities and differences between them. While there is some overlap between the goals of the two languages, there are plenty of differences between the two. Each language offers benefits depending on the problem you’re trying to solve.
We spoke with Damien Stanton, a software engineer who has gained experience in both languages. Our conversation with Damien delves into various aspects of the two languages: their differences, similarities, and some of the common controversies between the two.
go pythonThis is a subjective, primarily developer-ergonomics-based comparison of the three languages from the perspective of a Python developer, but you can skip the prose and go to the code samples, the performance comparison if you want some hard numbers, the takeaway for the tl;dr, or the Python, Go, and Rust diffimg implementations.