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Tag: esp32


My ultimate goal for Matrix Voice w/ ESP32 is to be able to develop in Rust.


Since my last post I've been working on building the humble beginnings of an ecosystem around the ESP32 for Rust. The short version of this post is as follows:

* This PR means the quickstart repo can now flash and run code without a debugger! Simply using the flash or flash_release scripts will flash your code and begin running your code
* idf2svd has been created which uses the documentation from esp-idf to generate svd files fit for consumption by svd2rust
* Based on the generated SVD file, there is now a PAC (Peripheral access crate) for the ESP32.


I've previously worked the ESP32's predecessor, the ESP8266, both devices have a RISC CPU that runs an ISA called Xtensa.

This was a few years back and I was programming most of my embedded projects in C, Since then I fell in love with Rust and have been using it for a few projects, especially ones which are relatively close to hardware, such as programming an ESP32, so last week when I started looking programming the device I checked to see if I could target it with rust.

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