Read Rust

Tag: csharp


Here is a simple .NET profiler implemented in Rust that prints the name of a function just before it is JIT compiled. The client library must create a type that implements all of the CorProfilerCallback traits. All of the methods in the callback traits have default implementations, so you only need to implement the methods that you actually want to use. COM boilerplate is set up for you behind the scenes with the register! macro call at the end of the code snippet.


Rust has been the most loved programming language for the last 5 years. This, and many other factors, made me interested in learning more about Rust, especially from the perspective of a C#-developer.


Having the ability to call code written in other languages is increasingly important, as there are many very useful libraries that are getting ported over to WebAssembly. In .NET, the common defined way for doing interop is P/Invoke and DllImport, and .NET for WebAssembly has support for it in the form of static linking of LLVM Bitcode object files.

In this article, I will walk through how to call some simple C/C++ and Rust code from C# in a WebAssembly app.


It’s a dark, gloomy February night and I can hear the rain pelting against the windows of my office, behind me. It’s late, but I’ve lost track of time. I am puzzling over some code, kind of hacking away at it, trying to gain clarity. On my second monitor there is a Discord channel running, which I’m trying to follow while experimenting on my own with the code. The book on my desk is open to Chapter 13 and I occasionally refer to it. Something about the problem I’m working on is not quite clicking, but I can feel it…I’m getting close to understanding.

The book is The Rust Programming Language and the Discord window is showing the #beginners channel on The Rust Programming Language Discord Server.


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